Category: Birth

Learn all you need to know about twin birth and whether or not to deliver naturally. Find out about c-section in twins and what to expect depending on the chorionicity of your twins. Learn about identical and fraternal twins and what you need to take into account from a birthing perspective. Read loads of different twin birth stories and find out when you can expect to go into labor. Learn about what full term for twins mean, and how to recognize early signs of labor. Read the most recent twin studies, and find out what way researchers conclude are the safest way to deliver twins. Learn about the different stages of labor, get tips and advice on how to make a twin birth plan, and find out what to expect during labor. Learn about Vaginal Birth After C-section (VBAC) with twins and find out what your chances are to succeed with a vaginal delivery. Also, read about the possibility of twin home birth and what you need to take into account. Find out about the four degrees of tears and what can make you at risk. Learn about premature twins born at 28 week, premature twins born at 29 weeks, premature twins born at 30 weeks, premature twins born at 31 weeks, premature twins born at 32 weeks, premature twins born at 33 weeks, premature twins born at 34 weeks, premature twins born at 35 weeks, premature twins born at 36 weeks and premature twins born at 37 weeks. Find out what you can expect at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Look at pictures of premature twins, and learn about when it’s okay to hold them. Find out what you can do to help them recover as quickly as possible.

A collection of 15 tricks for telling identical twins apart.

15 Tricks for Telling Identical Twins Apart

How do Parents Tell Identical Twins Apart? Being a new parent can be a challenge especially when it’s your first, and it’s even more of a challenge when you have identical twins. If you’re...

Erin with her twin sons

The Day Nemo Flipped Into a Breech Position

When our twin mom blogger Erin Brandenburg was pregnant with her twin boys, she really wanted to give birth vaginally. Read about what happend when one twin flipped into a feet first breech position.

38 weeks pregnant with twins

Vaginal Birth of Twins After C-section is Possible

A study looks at women who’ve attempted to give birth to twins after a previous c-section to find out whether or not they are more at risk of disease compared with women who got c-sections.