Twins Born at 37 Weeks: What to Prepare For

Your twins are considered born preterm if you give birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy is completed (37+0 weeks). Twins born at 37 weeks are considered born late preterm. This is according to the World Health Organization (WHO), who subcategories preterm birth based on gestational age.

extremely preterm (<28 weeks)
very preterm (28 to <32 weeks)
moderate to late preterm (32 to <37 weeks)

What happens to twins born at 37 weeks?

Even though your twins are in the moderate to late preterm category, it’s very likely that they won’t need medical treatment. They may be able to go straight to the maternity ward with you. They won’t have severe issues related to being born prematurely. The main thing they need to do at this point is to grow and gain weight. The median weight for dichorionic twins born at 37 weeks is 2869 grams (6lbs, 5oz). For monochorionic twins it’s 2697 grams (5lbs, 15oz). Have a look at our estimated fetal weight charts to learn more about how dichorionic and monochorionic twins grow in the second half of pregnancy.

Will I be able to breastfeed?

Chances are good that you’re able to nurse straight away. Among other things it depends on how developed your babies sucking reflexes are. Ask for guidance from the hospital staff, if you’d like help in relation to breast- or bottle-feeding twins.

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