Twins Came As a Surprise

The first sign that things were not quite as expected, was when my husband made a joke to the ultrasound technician at our 10 week scan, “Well at least we know there’s only one in there.” She was halfway through the scan and her face took on this look of awkward surprise and concern, but she didn’t say anything. Because it was early in the pregnancy, you never know what those looks mean. I quietly steeled myself for bad news, maybe this one wasn’t what we were expecting, maybe it wasn’t going to work out this time. She finished the scan and turned to my husband, “well, I’ve got a surprise for the peanut gallery” then pointed the screen to show us two little beings with beating hearts. Twins. We were having twins. To say we were shocked would be an understatement.

Took time to get used to the idea of twins

We thought we would go for a second. Our son was 4, we were out of baby survival mode and even starting to feel like we had our heads above water again. We kind of knew what we were doing baby-wise, right? Why not have a second? We tried for 2, and got, well, two. Surprise! It took some time to get used to the idea.

Twin pregnancy announcement

When we broke the news to our families, we let our 4 year-old do the big announcement. Over Skype calls to the grandparents, he gleefully shouted:

“We’re having babies!”

“You’re what?”

“We’re having babies!”

“A baby?”

“No, babies…”


“BABIES! Yes, we’re having twins.”



There must be something in the water

Joy and excitement, fear and trepidation all mixed into one as the news sunk in. Turns out these feelings go along with twins every step of the way. We had so many questions. How would we fit two more kids in our small home? How would we afford daycare for three kids? How do you feed two babies at once? I sought out as much advice from neighbors and friends as I could – funny enough we have four sets of twins on our small neighborhood block. There must be something in the water.


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