19 Weeks Pregnant With Twins: Symptoms & What to Expect

When you’re 19 weeks pregnant with twins, you’ve almost reached the halfway mark. If you went full term and delivered at 40 weeks, you’d be halfway through your pregnancy next week.

However, twins aren’t allowed to reach 40 weeks due to the risk of complications. So you may very well be halfway through your pregnancy at 19 weeks pregnant with twins.

Read more about full term for twins, what to expect and find out when doctors recommend that twins are delivered.

Pregnancy diet, nutrition & prenatal vitamins

Remember to take iron supplements – especially if your iron levels are low. The World Health Organization recommends this as part of antenatal care to reduce the risk of low birth weight, maternal anemia, and iron deficiency.

Baby size & development

Your babies are approximately 15 cm (5.91 inches) from head to rump when you’re 19 weeks pregnant with twins.

Your babies are able to clench and open their fists. They can reach their own hands across the chest. They can put their fingers in their mouths.

When you give birth to your children, they’ve already had sensory experiences inside the womb. When they taste, smell, see, feel or hear information, it’s sent to their brains.

Complex connections between brain cells and between different brain areas are formed.

Between weeks 15 and 20 their hearing is developing. Even though the children are well protected inside your uterus, they constantly hear the sound of your beating heart, of your intestines working and when you sneeze, cough or laugh.

Pregnancy symptoms & belly pictures

You may soon be able to experience movement and feel your babies kicking. You don’t need to worry if you feel no movement yet. Not all women are able to feel their babies move at 19 weeks. Other pregnancy symptoms are:

  • A uterus that is getting bigger. It’s growing steadily. It has reached your navel by now.
  • Your ligaments extend more and more every day, so you may experience pain in your groin and side – that’s called round ligament pain.
  • Many women don’t have morning sickness at this point in their pregnancy, but it’s not unusual if you still do. You may also feel nauseous due to constipation or hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyperemesis gravidarum is much worse than normal nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. It’s important that you see your doctor or midwife if you have severe nausea and vomiting.

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Ultrasound pictures & anomaly scan

You should be offered an anomaly scan when you’re between 18 weeks and 20+6 weeks pregnant. Your children will be examined systematically and methodically from head to toe and the position of the placenta(s) will be determined.

The sonographer will examine all organs and take measurements. The purpose is to ensure that your babies are developing normally. At this scan, the sonographer might be able to tell the genders of your babies.

Let the sonographer know whether or not you’d like to know the sex of your babies.

twin ultrasound 19 weeks
Di-di twins at 18+1 weeks.

Previous week – 18 weeks pregnant with twins

Next week – 20 weeks pregnant with twins

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