Morning Sickness With Twins: Is it Worse & How to Cope?

Morning sickness with twins is an issue for a lot of pregnant women. A large study compared women pregnant with twins and women pregnant with singletons. The results showed that women pregnant with twins are more at risk of symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. They also compared women pregnant with twins based on the sex of their babies. The results showed that if the woman was carrying at least one girl, she was more at risk of morning sickness compared with women expecting two boys. Women carrying twins are also more at risk of severe symptoms.

Is morning sickness worse with twins?

Statistically speaking you are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms if you are pregnant with twins. However, some women experience no morning sickness with twins and have perfectly healthy pregnancies. If you experience severe symptoms and are struggling keeping food down, you should see your doctor or midwife. There are medications that can be used in pregnancy to relieve severe pregnancy symptoms. You may also need hospital treatment and IV fluids for dehydration. Excessive morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum. Unlike regular morning sickness which usually goes away or becomes more tolerable after the first trimester, hyperemesis gravidarum can last the entire pregnancy.

How early can you get morning sickness with twins?

Usually you get morning sickness around week 6, but you can experience symptoms as early as week 4. Some women pregnant with twins even report experiencing symptoms before they were able to test positive on a pregnancy test. Nausea is believed to be associated with the rise of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). That’s produced at high levels during the first trimester until it eventually levels off. You can get morning sickness at night too. It’s a bit misleading to call it morning sickness, as you can get it at all hours of the day. For some women the nausea is worse in the morning and eases up over the course of the day.

How long does morning sickness with twins last?

Usually morning sickness goes away or becomes much more tolerable after the first trimester – around week 12 to 14. It’s different when morning sickness peaks, but usually somewhere between week 7-10. It’s different if you experience excessive morning sickness – hyperemesis gravidarum. You may not feel better until the babies are born, but some symptoms may improve at around 20 weeks. It’s important that you contact your doctor if you think you may be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum.

What can I do to relieve morning sickness?

Here are some tips and tricks to relieve morning sickness – if you’re symptoms aren’t serious enough to warrant medication. Many pregnant women benefit from keeping crackers by their bed so they can eat a bit as soon as they wake up. Eat small meals throughout the day to avoid getting too full or too hungry. It’s important to drink water throughout the day, but think about the timing. You may feel constipated or full very soon, so consider minimizing fluids during meal time – and drink fluids in between meals. Avoid spicy or greasy food that might upset your stomach. Some women have an aversion to hot food when they’re nauseous – listen to your body and try to find alternatives if there’s something you just can’t keep down. For some women that’s pretty much everything. In that case you may need to choose the lesser of two evils. It’s important that you keep trying, because you need to eat to maintain your strength and to make sure your babies get the nourishment they need.


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1 Response

  1. Gill Morrey says:

    My morning sickness wasn’t worse with my twin daughters (DiDi/DCDA) than my previous two singleton pregnancies (both daughters)
    I felt pregnant sooner with the twins, I felt sick a little earlier than the normal expected stage of morning sickness but I never once actually vomited as I did daily with my two singletons.
    For me I was tired a lot more. And I couldn’t eat as much with the twins as I did with my singles. As I always felt full, bloated, like there was no room, uk bursting. I was more worried with my twin pregnancy. The worries of if they are both growing well, both be born healthy. Losing one. The best option for their birth. If they would be premature and/or need neonatal care. My girls were born at 37+4 weeks,delivered by scheduled Caesarean section (both were breech) a healthy 5lb 11 & 6lb 15, with no problems at all.
    They’re now 19 months old.