Twin Study Examines Safest Way To Deliver
Researchers compare twin pregnancies to find out whether vaginal delivery or c-section with twins is more favorable. The results were published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2018. The study looked at whether or not there would be benefits from a planned c-section depending on the mothers pregnancy, health and the gestational age of the babies at delivery. 2,800 women with a twin pregnancy were included in the study. Twin A was head first in all pregnancies, and the twins were between 32+0 and 38+6 weeks at birth.
Outcome dependent on the twins gestational age at delivery
The researchers looked at the mother’s age, whether or not she’d been pregnant before, how she’d given birth previously and whether or not antenatal corticosteroids were used. They also estimated the fetal weights of the twins, chorionicity, how twin B was positioned, method of conception and any complications there might have been during pregnancy. The researchers found that the outcome differed depending on the twins gestational age at delivery. The results suggested that a planned vaginal delivery seemed more favorabel over a planned c-section from 32+0 to 36+6 weeks. After 37 weeks a planned c-section may be safer.
Read more about twins and delivery and twin birth stories from moms of twins.